Change your outlook with me for a minute and begin to view your disappointments as milestones. Use them as a switch to signal a powerful change within your life. Choices? Only leave yourself with one option. Suck it up and move forward! Life is filled with highs and lows but even at the lowest, the greatest and most resilient people maintain the highest character, standards and willpower to drive on.
How is that even possible? How do people continue to shrug off disappointments and keep moving forward? Well… Success comes at a cost. Without sacrifice these things hold no true value, as no true victory comes without its moments of pain. Listen, at some point you are going to hurt but you are not going to quit. Life will ask: Are you with me or have you quit on me already?
I will keep pushing myself to inspire greater heights through greater works. I know that life is not what you hope for, it is about the life that you create for yourself while inspiring others along the way. Believe in yourself and a purpose greater than yourself. Understand that yesterday’s solution will not solve tomorrow’s problem. Each day will bring on a new set of challenges and disappointments of its own. The question is, how will you respond?
Dedrick J. Clark
(601) 835-8602