What is willpower? By definition, “it is the control deliberately exerted to do something or restrain impulses.” In a nutshell, it is the absolute ability of control over yourself through a self-driven effort to get the damn job done. How else do you control the impulse to settle for a half-hearted or mediocre effort? By imposing your will to get it done at a high level and by disregarding your plush comfort level. You must be willing to take your comfort level and focus to a place that it has never been before and in the process, keep digging deeper until you stake your claim on greatness!
In life, you either will or you will not. “Maybe” is half-hearted and doesn’t cut it on the grind to succeed. Being “kinda-sorta” only leaves you on the outside looking in at the others who are willing to do whatever it takes to push through. You must impose your will to get things done when your mind tells you that you are too tired, too hungry and too weak to go on; give in and you’ll leave your will too weak to exist. Discipline starts the process and willpower keeps the engine running for those few of us who are self-driven to succeed.
On your journey, you will see that most people in life are too afraid to commit themselves to any real change. Most will start a challenge and then quit when the going gets too tough. They will never build the willpower to gut through the tough times and move on to the next in a confident manner. Your defining moments are what they are meant to be. They may not always be in our favor but there is always something that pushes us to become greater. It’s your will. Refine it like a fine blade that has been repeatedly burned, beaten, strengthened and then sharpened into a formidable weapon that you will wield at your discretion for all of those that oppose you.
Will you?
What will you become?
Dedrick J. Clark
(601) 835-8602