Never settle for average results when you can accomplish great things. Too many times people quit on their journey to succeed when the times get tough and people start to doubt them. These are the things that should add fuel to the fire and motivate the unmotivated. You must continue to think beyond what you can see and eventually, the people around you will begin to see your vision soon enough.
The average mind sees failure whereas the strong mind sees the pillars of success. The success is measured by your progression towards your goals. It is extremely easy to stand still and go nowhere in life. The progress lies within the right effort of the applied knowledge. When you know better you respond better. Your response? It can be the determining factor of succeeding or holding yourself back.
Who cares if you only start with a pebble? Casting a small pebble can result in a noticeable ripple. As you become mentally stronger and smarter, pebbles turn into rocks and rocks into boulders. At that moment of achievement is when you make your splash. You continue to succeed no matter where you started. Strap up your chin strap and understand that success is an ongoing battle that you are just not willing to lose!
Why settle?
Dedrick J. Clark
(601) 835-8602