How was your mood when you woke up this morning? Did you wake up energized and ready to roll or did you drag your ass out of the bed ready for conflict? “I wish somebody would try me today, I ain’t even in the mood!” lol Already??? But you just woke up! What is it that has you so charged up in a negative manner? What types of energy have you been receiving that keeps you in a broken state and your stress levels in the red?
It’s time for you to wake up and find yourself that positive spark and diffuse some of that negative energy. Whether it’s a podcast, YouTube videos, reading books or my blogs, (grin) find yourself a peace of mind. You attract what you put out and repel what is foreign to your being. The right people will absolutely want to be around you when you’re in a good state. Believe me, nobody wants to be around the person that drags everyone else down.
I can’t afford to have a bad day. As a matter of fact, people don’t pay me for my bad days. Everyday I have to be the force of positive influence to lift and inspire everyone that I come in contact with. This day and age you don’t know who your future boss or potential client will be. Ask yourself; how does my purpose and being add quality to the people around me? Remember this… A negative and calloused mind yields nothing. It’s much like planting a rock in the sand and waiting for something to grow.
Dedrick J. Clark
(601) 835-8602