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Dedrick J. Clark • April 15, 2021



Where have your thoughts led you? Every so often in life the perfect storm comes along and forces evolution to take place in the arena. Utilizing this moment is a way of finding out your true pedigree. Be Great or Spectate? Your mindset is KING! Pay close attention to the habits and actions that are created by your thoughts. Listen carefully, everything here started with the thought, “I want to be great.” That thought alone should be closely followed-up by another one. “What will it take to become great?”


The little baby steps are the foundations of giant leaps; much like the long jumper standing on the runway that skips into the approach before uncorking a massive leap for the ages. Meaning, you cannot rush into greatness; it reveals itself to the world when it is ready. While the vast majority of people only see the final product, they will never see the vision, the preparation, the sacrifice, the anguish, or the unglamorous side of the transformation. Simply put, the tireless gut busting work and sleepless nights seemingly go unnoticed to the masses.


Every drop of sweat along this journey deserves the brief moment to shine, so don’t be so quick to wipe it away and discredit its existence. It serves as a constant reminder of repeatedly paying your toll on the hard road. You will find that there are no quitters here in this arena of greatness. The thought of quitting is silenced by the strong and openly accepted only by the weak-minded entities longing for the easy road, hitchhiking on the mediocre bandwagon to nowhere.


Any “potential” thoughts? The “potential” label is just a pass given for something that may or may not be developed. Remember this, everyone is a “potential” something. Therefore, you are what you once thought, believed, worked for and sacrificed to become. Be humble, stay mindful and work harder while displaying a solid character in the process. Greatness is a mindset; the act is the becoming. It is also demonstrated and not announced.


Dedrick J. Clark


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By Dedrick J. Clark March 8, 2021
AND THE CROWD ROARS Every day presents us with the challenge of being a better person than we were yesterday. Today is the day that you embrace the challenge and conquer any negativity with great character and moral strength. Understand that you are the captain of your fate, the sole owner of your thoughts and the facilitator of your actions. There is no need to look elsewhere than in the mirror for the answers to your personal shortcomings. Things will not always be in your favor, but the tide does change from time to time and sometimes you have to be knocked down in-order to know how good it feels to be up. Quit whining and know that you won’t get any stronger walking the easy flat roads to avoid trekking through the mountains. Your strength is built through adversity and the ability to push through the areas where many have already given up. Yes!!! (rising to my feet) Not you damnit! Look at your reflection in the mirror and make a promise to never give up on yourself! If nobody else believes in you, it doesn’t even matter because you believe in yourself! (and the crowd ROARS!!!) Stay the course; welcome the occasional storm and fear not the turbulence when you decide to spread your wings and take flight. Be accountable, be confident and be driven. Dedrick J. Clark #StayBeast
Who are you?
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By Dedrick J. Clark February 19, 2021
THE GOOD DAY In my humble opinion, the “good day” is equivalent to being one rep away from becoming mediocre or having a bad day. Why settle for “good” when you can have “great?” To counter this, I start off every morning by greeting my family and clients with “it’s a great morning” instead of just “good morning.” Have a great day, instead of only a good one. How you start your day sets the tone. The thing is you have to set a buffer for yourself. Great > Good > Meh > Bad. What makes a day great? LIFE!... Hands down it is another opportunity to make a difference. To put things into perspective, a homeless guy finding a meal in a trashcan could be a great day for him. Whereas the ungrateful person is having a “bad day” because they had to work through lunch or someone got their order wrong. Yes, real life things do happen beyond your control that change the ebb and flow of things. Ultimately, beware of your personal DECISIONS or great can turn to bad in a hurry. But the goal here is to inspire greatness through small subtle changes since most people possess the innate ability to adapt to the little things over time. One day these little things become greater things. Much like each grain of sand that creates the beautiful beach; you don’t run the whole mile in one stride, you get there over the collective effort of each stride. Each small thing or step dictates the outcome in its own way. Days turn into weeks and weeks into months and so on. So make the most out of each moment, before those moments become your destiny! Dedrick J. Clark #StayBeast
By Dedrick J. Clark February 12, 2021
CRY AND GET IT OVER WITH Why do we continue to hold on to the things that cause us grief? Why not just cry and get it over with? Packrats of emotional turmoil, maybe? Why would you continue to pile up emotions that you should have let go of a long time ago? The weight of your emotions will soon become the heavy anchor that weighs you down. This also leads to people having the “victims’ mentality.” Really, no one else ever has a bad day?... Right! “Why does everything bad always have to happen to me?” Sound familiar? Look, it is not that everything always happens to only you; it is the fact you have never let go of anything that actually has. At some point you must cry and get it over with. So what, things don’t and won’t always go your way; welcome to the real world baby! Cry, shake that shit off and move forward! Let these things serve as lessons and not emotional anchors. I promise you that someone else in the world would trade places with you in a heartbeat! The need to cry is just a release valve and does not have to be taken in the literal sense. A good conversation will suffice but if you have to shed physical tears then do what you must. These tear drops can also represent the people that need to be released from affecting your life in a negative manner. A healthy body also needs a healthy mind and the consistent flow of positive input. It’s hard not to keep crying about the same things over and over again if you’re constantly holding on to raw onions. Control what you ingest and you’ll become a better person for it. Trust me, you don’t want to become someone else’s tear drops. The other day I had a random conversation with a total stranger in a hotel lobby. She started to cry. She needed to shed those tears. Dedrick J. Clark #StayBeast
By Dedrick J. Clark February 5, 2021
Every day is a new opportunity to make a difference and another opportunity to rise to the occasion. But along with every opportunity also comes new challenges. Every morning after you wake up, walk into the bathroom, look in the mirror at your reflection and say to yourself, “challenge accepted.” Most people will shy away from challenges with the fear of exposing a weakness or looking foolish. So should a new opportunity arise, do you rise to the occasion or do you hide in the shadows? You must understand that opportunities themselves are granted and should not be taken for granted. A tried and failed opportunity should be viewed as a challenge to forge a stronger version of yourself for the next. For example, if you did not do so well on that last presentation, should you not do better on the next one? Challenge accepted! Whatever your challenge may be, whether it is physical or mental, you will face it head on! Stand strong in the face of adversity and you will muster the fortitude to keep going! The challenges of life will not stop, why would you? For anything to become stronger, it MUST be challenged to change. Do you feel challenged? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Dedrick J. Clark #StayBeast
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