How many times have you started a statement with the phrase, “I need to start/stop?” Every day you keep telling yourself what you need to start or stop doing without any initiative to move forward. At what point do you start or stop doing something in particular? At one point I found myself repeatedly using this exact phrase before I had a very much needed reality check. Either start the process or move on, there is nothing else to discuss.
“Mister or Missus Mediocrity” lurks around every corner and in some instances has already settled in. Yes I know, just meet the status-quo and you will be fine. The key is to identify what is holding you back. I go back to initiative starts the process and your self-discipline keeps you on track. In some cases, not all, losing ground takes little to no effort while the art of gaining ground takes everything you have with no guarantees of moving the hypothetical frontlines.
But let me reiterate this; every single challenge takes an effort with the demand of some much greater than others. Simple enough but are you ready for the reality check?... It is you that is holding yourself back. You have anchored yourself to the “I need to start/stop crowd” or way of approach. Birds of a feather do perch together. What you soon start or stop will become your habit. Do not waste your time or others with the same old sentiment.
Dedrick J. Clark
(601) 835-8602