Every day is a new opportunity to make a difference and another opportunity to rise to the occasion. But along with every opportunity also comes new challenges. Every morning after you wake up, walk into the bathroom, look in the mirror at your reflection and say to yourself, “challenge accepted.” Most people will shy away from challenges with the fear of exposing a weakness or looking foolish. So should a new opportunity arise, do you rise to the occasion or do you hide in the shadows?
You must understand that opportunities themselves are granted and should not be taken for granted.
A tried and failed opportunity should be viewed as a challenge to forge a stronger version of yourself for the next. For example, if you did not do so well on that last presentation, should you not do better on the next one? Challenge accepted! Whatever your challenge may be, whether it is physical or mental, you will face it head on! Stand strong in the face of adversity and you will muster the fortitude to keep going!
The challenges of life will not stop, why would you?
For anything to become stronger, it MUST be challenged to change.
Do you feel challenged?
Dedrick J. Clark
(601) 835-8602