You can't think with an average mind and expect to accomplish great things. What are you prepared to do and how far are you willing to go to attain it? That is my question to you. What is your mindset to achieving greatness? Physically you will only go as far as your mind will allow you to go.
Here, you will have to be in tune both mentally and physically to achieve your greatest results. A well disciplined person with a high degree of mental toughness always has an edge. He or she is always willing to go a great distance to achieve their goals. When people constantly search for excuses, there lies the reason why they constantly fail.
If you ask around, most people are basically too afraid to hurt for what they want. It seems to be the ongoing trend. In order to get what you want out of life you're going to have to hurt for it at some point. If it's too early in the morning, then it may HURT their sleep. Too late in the evening, then it's going to HURT their off time. What if your lack of willingness to sacrifice something HURTS your chances of achieving your goals? Any true physical or mental test is going to hurt. Learn to embrace the painful nature of the process to progress to the next level.
Dedrick J. Clark
(601) 835-8602